ANNA-DSB technical UAT tests in progress
In response to regulatory demands on market participants to integrate with the service-bureau ANNA-DSB for generating ISIN codes for OTC derivatives, we are pleased to announce that the Algorithmica History Server now is technically compliant with the ANNA-DSB fix interface.
On behalf of a customer, we have commenced UAT testing and are now avaiting the further completion of the ANNA-DSB services in order to be in production by the regulatory deadline.
For more information about using the AHS as a technical bridge to the ANNA-DSB services, please contact Niclas Holm.

The ANNA-DSB writes:
“The creation of the DSB was triggered by a decision in September 2015 by European regulators to require ISIN identifiers for new regulatory reporting mandates coming into effect, specifically MiFID II, MiFIR and MAR. These regulations would now require ISIN-based reporting of certain OTC derivatives transactions for the first time.
The development timeline for the DSB is keyed to the in-force date of MiFID II in early January 2018. At that time, industry implementation of the new automated global numbering agency must be completed to support reporting of OTC derivatives.”